Body Type
Body type is judged heavily in rabbit shows, especially for those without special markings.
There are 5 body types. Below is some terminology and related body type formations.
There are 5 body types. Below is some terminology and related body type formations.
This category contains the small breeds but also many of the medium sized breeds. These rabbits are tightly put together and have rounded hindquarters. They're... compact! Compact breeds: American Fuzzy Lop, Dutch, Dwarf Hotot, English Angora, Florida White, Havana, Holland Lop, Jersey Wooly, Lilac, Mini Lop, Mini Rex, Mini Satin, Netherland Dwarf, Polish, Silver, Standard Chinchilla, Thrianta. |
These commercial rabbits can be noted by their large meaty hindquarters. They have a wide midsection and hindquarters and often have a low head. Rabbits raised for Meat Pen have a commercial body type because of the meat without fat. Commercial breeds: American Chinchilla, American Sable, Blanc de Hotot, Californian, Champagne d’ Argent, Cinnamon, Crème d’ Argent, French Angora, French Lop, Giant Angora, Harlequin, New Zealand, Palomino, Rex, Satin, Satin Angora, Silver Fox, Silver Marten. |
Full Arch
These perky rabbits post up high and tend to be ready to move! Many of these breeds are "running breeds" which means they're allowed to move freely on the judging table so their stance, build, and movement can also be judged. Full arched breeds: Belgian Hare, Britannia Petite, Checkered Giant, English Spot, Rhinelander, Tan. |